Why Detroit? Why now?

To:CS_Internal_Employees@email.com Subject: Thank you and Farewell Friends and Colleagues, Today, I leave New York City, the only city I’ve ever called home, along with a life-long collection of friends and colleagues, to make a new home in the city I believe represents the greatest modern possibility in the world: Detroit. My peers, family and mentors…

Hanksy Gives A Street Art Tour Of Detroit, Shows The City’s Blooming Creative Scene

“If you’ve never personally stepped foot in the lovely city of Detroit — or read up with our coverage of its culture scene, no judgment — your understanding of the (technically) Midwestern metropolis may be boiled down to Eminem’s portrayal of it in ‘8 Mile.’” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/16/hanksy-detroit-_n_5992818.html?&ncid=tweetlnkushpmg00000067